Schools » Find a School

Find a School

Use the above button to find the catchment school for your home address. Choice program registration is not dependent on home location.

Below is a list of areas and school website links within SD57:

Hart Area - Prince George  
Glenview Elementary - NUT AWARE
Hart Highlands Elementary - NUT AWARE
Nukko Lake Elementary - NUT AWARE
Springwood Elementary - NUT AWARE
École Heather Park Elementary Regular Program - NUT & SCENT AWARE 
École Heather Park Elementary French Immersion Program (Choice Program) - NUT & SCENT AWARE

Shas Ti Kelly Road Secondary


College Heights Area - Prince George
Beaverly Elementary - NUT AWARE
École College Heights Elementary Regular Program - NUT & SCENT AWARE 
École College Heights Elementary French Immersion Program (Choice Program) - NUT & SCENT AWARE
Malaspina Elementary
Polaris Montessori Elementary (Choice Program) - ALLERGY AWARE ***Catchment is entire district***
Southridge Elementary - NUT AWARE
Vanway Elementary - NUT AWARE

College Heights Secondary - NUT & SCENT AWARE


Bowl Area - Prince George
Nusdeh Yoh Elementary (Indigenous Choice Program) - NUT AWARE ***Catchment is entire district***
École Lac des Bois Elementary - NUT AWARE (100% French Choice Program) ***Catchment is entire district***
Edgewood Elementary - NUT AWARE
Foothills Elementary - NUT AWARE
Harwin Elementary - NUT AWARE
Heritage Elementary - NUT & SCENT AWARE
Peden Hill Elementary - NUT AWARE
Pinewood Elementary - NUT AWARE
Quinson Elementary - NUT AWARE
Ron Brent Elementary
Spruceland Community School of the Arts (Choice Program) - ALLERGY AWARE ***Catchment is entire district***
Van Bien Elementary - NUT & SCENT AWARE
Westwood Elementary - NUT & SCENT AWARE

Duchess Park Secondary - NUT & SCENT AWARE
DP Todd Secondary - NUT & SCENT AWARE
District Learner Supports - Centre for Learning Alternatives, Continuing Education, Distance Education, Alternate Community Programs - SCENT AWARE
Prince George Secondary - NUT, SCENT, LATEX, DAIRY AWARE


South- East Area  - Prince George
Blackburn Elementary - NUT AWARE
Buckhorn Elementary
Giscome Elementary - NUT AWARE
Hixon Elementary - NUT & SCENT AWARE
Pineview Elementary


Mackenzie, B.C.
Morfee Elementary - NUT AWARE
Mackenzie Secondary - NUT & SCENT AWARE


Valemount, B.C.
Valemount Elementary - NUT AWARE
Valemount Secondary
Catchment:  East to Alberta Border - South to Fraser Fort George Regional District boundary, West to but not including Horsey Creek Road


McBride, B.C.
McBride Centennial Elementary
McBride Secondary
Catchment:  East to and including Horsey Creek Road and West to Dome Creek